How to Delete Your LinkedIn Account

LinkedIn is an online employment-oriented platform for managing professional identity. It is home to 675 million members made up of employers, job seekers, and business accounts interested in sharing their progress with the community.

Many people find LinkedIn’s service useful but there are many who make sure they stay far away from it and some others who no longer have use for its features. If you find yourself in the latter category and are interested in deactivating your account then read on.

Steps to Deleting Your LinkedIn Account

1. Log into your account and click on your profile icon to get to the Settings & Privacy page.

Linkedin Settings and Privacy
Linkedin Settings and Privacy

2. Click the Account tab and in the ‘Account management‘ section you’ll find the link, Closing your LinkedIn account.

Linkedin Account Management
Linkedin Account Management

3. Choose your reason for closing your account from the options or select Other to enter a custom reason.

Linkedin Close Account
Linkedin Close Account

4. Click the ‘Verify Account‘ button to confirm that you want to close your account and click on the ‘Close Account‘ button when asked again.

Once clicked, LinkedIn will log you out of your account and slate your profile for deletion in 24 hours after which you can use the same email address to open a new account if you wish. Pretty easy, right?

Important Note

Your account’s data doesn’t get deleted from LinkedIn’s servers the very minute that you delete your profile because according to the Linkedin privacy policy, LinkedIn will retain your information when necessary to comply with their legal obligations, resolve disputes. This is done for as long as it is necessary except in the case of their professional plugin impression data which they de-identify after 12 months.

If you have no patience then you can opt-out of the waiting period by directly contacting LinkedIn customer service – they typically respond to requests within 30 days. Bare it in mind that the information you’ve already shared with others (or information others have copied) may remain visible even after you request for its deletion. Congratulations, you’re off LinkedIn!

Divine Okoi is a cybersecurity postgrad with a passion for the open-source community. With 700+ articles covering different topics in IT, you can always trust him to inform you about the coolest tech.

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